Fraternity’s Doing Good on Temple’s Campus

*Written April 5, 2016*

People tend to have preconceived notions about fraternities on college campuses. Fraternity boys are typically known for dressing and acting in a particular way. Many people have a difficult time moving beyond their predetermined opinions about fraternity life and fail to realize that not every fraternity fits the stereotype.

“[Fraternity boys] wear preppy clothes, party a lot and tend to be cliquey,” said Temple University student Amanda Stejskal.

Stejksal is not the only person who has this stereotypical image of fraternity boys in her mind. News articles and stories are constantly circulated about frat boys throwing parties, slipping drugs into people’s drinks, and getting violent.

“Earlier this semester there was a rumor going around campus about a frat brother hitting a girl in the face,” said Stejskal.

However, not all fraternities fit the infamous stereotype. Tyler Wood, Vice President of the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega, and his brothers work hard to prove that not every frat is the same.

“People think that frat boys just drink beer, play sports, and hit on women,” said Wood, “but that’s not what we do.”

Alpha Tau Omega is the National Leadership Fraternity, said Wood, annually hosting conferences and retreats that help brothers develop leadership skills which can help them in their future professional lives.

Besides working to improve members’ leadership skills, Temple University’s chapter of Alpha Tau Omega frequently enjoys doing philanthropy work. The brothers of this fraternity are frequently walking dogs at the Saved Me Animal Shelter, said Wood, or setting up pizza sales to benefit different organizations and charities.

On March 31, Alpha Tau Omega teamed up with Iota Nu Delta and Delta Sigma Theta, Wood said, and held a Krispy Kreme donut sale that benefitted the Flint Michigan Water Crisis.

Wood said the fraternity host’s donut sales at least once a month on campus. They sell one donut for one dollar, said Wood, and all of the proceeds typically go to the Women’s Organization Against Rape, which is the organization that Alpha Tau Omega works most closely with.

WOAR is an organization in Philadelphia whose mission is to eliminate all forms of sexual violence. Alpha Tau Omega recently set up a presentation with this organization for the Inter-Fraternal Council, said Wood, to help raise awareness towards sexual violence. Wood also said that last year the brothers raised over $300 for the organization at the fraternity’s signature event.

Alpha Tau Omega’s signature event is an annual campout that helps raise awareness and money for a specific cause. This year, the signature event will be benefitting the Boys and Girls Club of America, said Wood, which is a national organization that has after-school programs help inspire and enable children to realize their full potential.

This year’s signature event will be a 36-hour campout on the lawn in front of the dean’s office, said Wood, starting on April 12 and ending April 13.

“We’ll be sleeping in tents for the whole night,” Wood said, “This will help raise awareness [for the cause].”

During the campout the fraternity will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts and calendars, featuring pictures of the brothers, for ten dollars. On top of this, Wood said the fraternity will be hosting carnival games, like can jam and corn hole, charging one dollar per game.

The brothers have already raised $120 for their signature event, Wood said, through a Go-Fund-Me page.

“We’re expecting to raise at least over $500,” said Wood.

The brothers of Alpha Tau Omega have had a busy year raising money and awareness for their organizations. Wood said he is proud of his fraternity brothers for their outstanding community service this year.

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